A Concise Introduction to Matlab Front Cover

A Concise Introduction to Matlab


A Concise Introduction to Matlab is a simple, concise book designed to cover all the major capabilities of MATLAB that are useful for beginning students. Thorough coverage of Function handles, Anonymous functions, and Subfunctions. In addition, key applications including plotting, programming, statistics and model building are also all covered.

MATLAB is presently a globally available standard computational tool for engineers and scientists. The terminology, syntax, and the use of the programming language are well defined and the organization of the material makes it easy to locate information and navigate through the textbook.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: An Overview of MATLABĀ®
CHAPTER 2: Numeric, Cell, and Structure Arrays
CHAPTER 3: Functions and Files
CHAPTER 4: Decision-Making Programs
CHAPTER 5: Advanced Plotting and Model Building
CHAPTER 6: Statistics, Probability, and Interpolation
CHAPTER 7: Numerical Methods for Calculus and Differential Equations
CHAPTER 8: Symbolic Processing
APPENDIX A: Guide to Commands and Functions in This Text
APPENDIX B: References

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