Academic Skills Problems: Direct Assessment and Intervention Front Cover

Academic Skills Problems: Direct Assessment and Intervention

  • Length: 552 pages
  • Edition: F
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date: 2023-07-24
  • ISBN-10: 146255119X
  • ISBN-13: 9781462551194
  • Sales Rank: #1331600 (See Top 100 Books)

Now in a revised and expanded fifth edition that reflects current research and best practices in direct assessment and intervention, this text addresses a perennial need for school practitioners and practitioners in training. Presented is a comprehensive, problem-solving-based approach for working with K–12 students who are struggling with reading, writing, or mathematics. The book provides a framework for evaluating the instructional environment as well as each student’s context and unique learning needs; planning instructional modifications; and monitoring progress. The companion workbook, available separately, contains practice exercises and reproducible forms.

New to This Edition

  • Revised throughout by new coauthor Nathan H. Clemens, while retaining the core elements of Edward S. Shapiro’s approach.
  • New emphasis on the central role of language in reading, mathematics, and writing development and difficulties, and implications for working more effectively with linguistically and culturally diverse students.
  • Fresh perspectives on behaviors that facilitate learning, such as attention to task and following directions.
  • Updated and expanded coverage of key topics–universal screening; progress monitoring; intensive, individualized academic skills interventions; and more.

See also Academic Skills Problems Fifth Edition Workbook, which provides the reproducible forms discussed in the text, practice exercises, and additional useful materials, in a convenient large-size format.

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