- Length: 720 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2019-08-14
Learn This Book For The first time you start Adobe Animate CC you’ll see a Welcome screen with links to standard file templates, tutorials, and other resources. In this BOOK, you’ll create a simple slideshow-type animation to showcase a few vacation snapshots. You’ll add a background, photos, and some decorative elements, and in the process you’ll learn about positioning elements on the Stage and placing them along the Timeline so they appear one at a time, in sequence. You’ll begin learning how to use the Stage to organize your visual elements spatially, and how to use the Timeline to organize your elements temporally
This Book Also Teaches Will be able to use the Animate CC interface like a pro!
Will be able to draw vector graphics inside Animated CC
Be able to effectively use and implement the various tools and make objects inside Animate itself
Make production quality animations while effectively using the layer system and library
If you are interested in learning a new tool that can help you animate or make vector graphics you have landed at the right Book, this course takes you from the very basics of how to operate on the tools laying a very concrete foundation along with explaining the interface in depth. I believe that if my students have the core understanding of the basics of any tool, learning pro concepts becomes very easy.
Most of the time students are stuck up only because they cannot execute the idea properly due to the lack of understanding of the interface of the software. Learning to use a software is just like driving the car, once you get the hang of it everything becomes smooth! so Buy This Book Now