Analyzing and Securing Social Networks
- Length: 604 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Auerbach Publications
- Publication Date: 2016-04-05
- ISBN-10: 148224327X
- ISBN-13: 9781482243277
- Sales Rank: #6848324 (See Top 100 Books)
Analyzing and Securing Social Networks focuses on the two major technologies that have been developed for online social networks (OSNs): (i) data mining technologies for analyzing these networks and extracting useful information such as location, demographics, and sentiments of the participants of the network, and (ii) security and privacy technologies that ensure the privacy of the participants of the network as well as provide controlled access to the information posted and exchanged by the participants.
The authors explore security and privacy issues for social media systems, analyze such systems, and discuss prototypes they have developed for social media systems whose data are represented using semantic web technologies. These experimental systems have been developed at The University of Texas at Dallas. The material in this book, together with the numerous references listed in each chapter, have been used for a graduate-level course at The University of Texas at Dallas on analyzing and securing social media. Several experimental systems developed by graduate students are also provided.
The book is divided into nine main sections: (1) supporting technologies, (2) basics of analyzing and securing social networks, (3) the authors’ design and implementation of various social network analytics tools, (4) privacy aspects of social networks, (5) access control and inference control for social networks, (6) experimental systems designed or developed by the authors on analyzing and securing social networks, (7) social media application systems developed by the authors, (8) secure social media systems developed by the authors, and (9) some of the authors’ exploratory work and further directions.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Section I: Supporting Technologies
Chapter 2: Social Networks: A Survey
Chapter 3: Data Security and Privacy
Chapter 4: Data Mining Techniques
Chapter 5: Cloud Computing and Semantic Web Technologies
Section II: Aspects of Analyzing and Securing Social Networks
Chapter 6: Analyzing and Securing Social Networks
Chapter 7: Semantic Web-Based Social Network Representation and Analysis
Chapter 8: Confidentiality, Privacy, and Trust for Social Media Data
Section III: Techniques and Tools for Social Network Analytics
Chapter 9: Developments and Challenges in Location Mining
Chapter 10: TweetHood: A Social Media Analytics Tool
Chapter 11: Tweecalization: Location Mining Using Semisupervised Learning
Chapter 12: Tweeque: Identifying Social Cliques for Location Mining
Chapter 13: Understanding News Queries with Geo-Content Using Twitter
Chapter Sec Our Approach to Studying Privacy in Social Networks
15:tion IV: Social Network Analytics and Privacy Considerations
Chapter 14:Classification of Social Networks Incorporating Link Types
Chapter 16: Extending Classification of Social Networks through Indirect Friendships
Chapter 17: Social Network Classification through Data Partitioning
Chapter 18: Sanitization of Social Network Data for Release to Semitrusted Third Parties
Section V: Access Control and Inference for Social Networks
Chapter 19: Access Control for Social Networks
Chapter 20: Implementation of an Access Control System for Social Networks
Chapter 21: Inference Control for Social Media
Chapter 22: Implementing an Inference Controller for Social Media Data
Section VI: Social Media Integration and Analytics Systems
Chapter 23: Social Graph Extraction, Integration, and Analysis
Chapter 24: Semantic Web-Based Social Network Integration
Chapter 25: Experimental Cloud Query Processing System for Social Networks
Chapter 26: Social Networking in the Cloud
Section VII: Social Media Application Systems
Chapter 27: Graph Mining for Insider Threat Detection
Chapter 28: Temporal Geosocial Mobile Semantic Web
Chapter 29: Social Media and Bioterrorism
Chapter 30: Stream Data Analytics for Multipurpose Social Media Applications
Section VIII: Secure Social Media Systems
Chapter 31: Secure Cloud Query Processing with Relational Data for Social Media
Chapter 32: Secure Cloud Query Processing for Semantic Web-Based Social Media
Chapter 33: Cloud-Centric Assured Information Sharing for Social Networks
Chapter 34: Social Network Integration and Analysis with Privacy Preservation
Chapter 35: Attacks on Social Media and Data Analytics Solutions
Section IX: Secure Social Media Directions
Chapter 36: Unified Framework for Analyzing and Securing Social Media
Chapter 37: Integrity Management and Data Provenance for Social Media
Chapter 38: Multilevel Secure Online Social Networks
Chapter 39: Developing an Educational Infrastructure for Analyzing and Securing Social Media
Chapter 40: Summary and Directions
Appendix: Data Management Systems: Developments and Trends