C Programming: Core Concepts and Techniques Front Cover

C Programming: Core Concepts and Techniques

  • Length: 300 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date: 2024-07-21
  • ISBN-10: 1964899109
  • ISBN-13: 9781964899107

“C Programming: Core Concepts and Techniques” is an authoritative resource designed to guide beginners through the foundational aspects of C programming. Written with clarity and precision, this book meticulously covers essential topics, ranging from basic syntax and data types to advanced concepts such as pointers, dynamic memory management, and file I/O operations. Each chapter is crafted to build upon the previous one, ensuring a seamless and comprehensive learning experience.

With a focus on practical implementation, this book includes numerous examples and exercises that reinforce key concepts and promote hands-on practice. Whether you aim to develop software for embedded systems, undertake performance-critical applications, or enhance your overall programming skills, this book serves as both a valuable educational text and a reliable reference guide, laying a solid foundation for mastering the versatile and powerful C programming language.

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