Learn R for Applied Statistics: With Data Visualizations, Regressions, and Statistics
- Length: 243 pages
- Publication Date: 2019-01-12
Think Like a Data Scientist: Tackle the data science process step-by-step
- Length: 328 pages
- Publication Date: 2017-04-02
Beginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux: Computational Techniques for Resolving Security Issues
- Length: 417 pages
- Publication Date: 2018-12-27
Reactive Streams in Java: Concurrency with RxJava, Reactor, and Akka Streams
- Length: 139 pages
- Publication Date: 2019-01-08
Stylish F#: Crafting Elegant Functional Code for .NET and .NET Core
- Length: 396 pages
- Publication Date: 2018-12-29
Developing Bots with QnA Maker Service: Integration with Azure Bot Service and Microsoft Bot Framework
- Length: 178 pages
- Publication Date: 2019-01-30
Visual Studio Code Distilled: Evolved Code Editing for Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Length: 215 pages
- Publication Date: 2019-01-01
Quick Start Guide to Penetration Testing: With NMAP, OpenVAS and Metasploit
- Length: 139 pages
- Publication Date: 2019-01-21
Learning Apache Drill: Query and Analyze Distributed Data Sources with SQL
- Length: 332 pages
- Publication Date: 2018-11-19
Pro Java 9 Games Development: Leveraging the JavaFX APIs
- Length: 629 pages
- Publication Date: 2017-12-02