Challenges, Performances and Tendencies in Organisation Management
- Length: 568 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co
- Publication Date: 2015-07-29
- ISBN-10: 9814656011
- ISBN-13: 9789814656016
The field of management is, without a doubt, one of the most important and fastest changing fields in today’s society. There is not any organisational structure families, enterprises, towns, industries, countries, for example which performs well without good management. For this reason, many resources are allocated to improve the management in the largest companies and also to management research/education and training. In the transition to the knowledge-based economy of today, the “smart economy”, management faces new challenges and opportunities. Challenges, Opportunities and Tendencies in Organisation Management is an invaluable volume that seeks to deal with the myriad of issues facing management today. It presents the scientific research of the most renowned management specialists from universities, companies, consultancy firms and research organisations from Romania and other parts of the world, who participated in the First International Management Conference organised by the Romanian Scientific Management Society (RSMS) in June 2014. The book covers a variety of management fields, namely international management and cultural diversity; sustainable development and business sustainability; university governance and management; knowledge-based organisation, intellectual capital, information and management; entrepreneurship, social enterprise and SMEs; and leadership and human resource management. It seeks to synthesise the latest and most innovative developments in management theory and praxis, in the context of the transition to the knowledge-based economy. It is useful for management professors, consultants, trainers and students, management professionals and those working in public administration. It will be of particular benefit to those who are interested in the evolution of management in the past few years in Europe, especially in Central and Eastern Europe.
Table of Contents
Part I. International Management and Cultural Diversity
Chapter 1. The Role of Large Corporate Boards in the Context of Globalization and Smart Economy: Creating Value for All Stakeholders
Chapter 2. New Management Tendencies and Their Impact on the Form of Capitalism
Chapter 3. Trends and Developments of Diversity Management at the Global level
Chapter 4. Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Sustainability of Romanian Enterprises?
Chapter 5. Re-Thinking Our Model of Management in the Light of the Cultural Dimension — A Systemic Approach to the Company
Part II. Sustainable Development and Business Sustainability
Chapter 6. Social Capital and Business Sustainability: Defining, Measuring, and Assessing its Impact on Cluster Performance in the Podkarpackie Region of Poland
Chapter 7. Integrating Corporate and Academic Alumni into the Drive toward Sustainability
Part III. University Governance and Management
Chapter 8. Taxonomies of Internationalization for Higher Education
Chapter 9. The Most Pressing Challenges for Romanian Higher Education System in Line with the Bologna Process Values
Chapter 10. University Governance and Competitive Advantage
Chapter 11. Study Programs in English in Non-Anglophone Countries: Looking at Impacts and Challenges from a Romanian Perspective
Chapter 12. Romanian Private Higher Education in the Current European Context
Part IV. Knowledge-Based Organization, Intellectual Capital, Information, and Management Documents
Chapter 13. Contributions to the Evaluation of e-Learning Processes in Higher Education
Chapter 14. Evaluation of Knowledge Processes Within the Learning Organization
Chapter 15. Universities in Transition: Are Library Directors Facing Changed Demands?
Chapter 16. Knowledge Management in the Information Society — Case Study on e-Services
Chapter 17. Risk Awareness as Key Success Factor for more Efficient Management for Local Public Administrations
Chapter 18. Information and its Entropy — A Measure of Market Complexity
Part V. Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, and SMEs
Chapter 19. SME-Conducive Policy Formulation under Systemic Perspectives
Chapter 20. Particularities of the Procesual Organisation in the Medium Knowledge-Based Enterprise
Chapter 21. Preparing Our Students for an Entrepreneurial Life: Are Universities Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem
Chapter 22. Difficulties in Improving Romanian Companies Management
Chapter 23. Contributions to Redesigning the Management System in Medium-Sized Enterprises
Chapter 24. The New Paradigm of Social Enterprise
Chapter 25. Realities and Peculiarities of the Entrepreneurship in Brasov, Romania
Chapter 26. ESF Interventions for Promoting Entrepreneurship in Romania
Chapter 27. Contributions to the Development and Use of Information Programs Dealing With Human Resources in the Rural Area
Chapter 28. Management Particularities of the Romanian Social Enterprise
Chapter 29. The Evolution of the Romanian SMEs’ Perceptions Over the Last Decade
Part VI. Leadership and Human Resources Management
Chapter 30. The Relationship between Leadership Styles, Leader Communication Style, and Impact on Leader–Member Exchange Relationship within the Banking Sector in the United States
Chapter 31. The Effect of Organizational Culture on the Responsiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises to Environmental Change: An Empirical Study in Romania
Chapter 32. Model Proposal for Cluster Implementation in Romania
Chapter 33. Aspects of Human Resources’ Management within Organizations in Braşov, Romania
Chapter 34. Managing Individual Performance Appraisal in Project Teams
Chapter 35. The Relation between Labor Force Profitability and the Firm’s Personnel Policy
Chapter 36. Analysis of Multinational Companies in Romania
Part VII. Management of Change, Innovation, and Quality
Chapter 37. Study Regarding the Correlation between the Changes in the Energy Economy and the Competitiveness of Companies in Germany and Romania
Chapter 38. Management of Intangible Assets Valorization in Small and Medium Enterprises
Chapter 39. Comparative Management in the Field of Extracurricular Activities, Highlighting Instrument of Potential Change
Chapter 40. Study for Creating and Developing Regional Agrifood Markets in Romania
Chapter 41. Comparative Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Development and Implementation of European Projects
Chapter 42. Organizational Change — Managing Employees Resistance
Chapter 43. How to Reduce Supplemental Claims in Construction Industry — Selected Management Tools to Implement a Systematic Anti-Claim Management
Chapter 44. Implementation of Quality Management for Ecotouristic Operators in the Danube Delta
Chapter 45. Romanian Pre-University Educational Management in the Context of European Integration
Chapter 46. Study on the Promotion and Implementation of Sustainable Development in Modern Management in National and Regional Economies, Case Study: Romania as EU Member

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