Consuming APIs in Laravel: Build Robust and Powerful API Integrations For Your Laravel Projects With Ease Front Cover

Consuming APIs in Laravel: Build Robust and Powerful API Integrations For Your Laravel Projects With Ease

  • Length: 664 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2023-10-09

Consuming APIs in Laravel is your complete guide to confidently building robust and powerful API integrations in your Laravel projects to add cool new features.

It’s the comprehensive API manual I wish I had when I started out as a developer. One you can trust and will want to refer back to again and again.

The book aims to help you build powerful API integrations that are testable, maintainable, and easy to understand.

I’ll show you the way I’ve built integrations for many projects that help my clients and their users, including specific code examples that give context as to exactly where, why, and how you’d use something in your Laravel app.

We’ll cover techniques that we can use to improve the quality of API integration code .

We’ll look at how we can use these techniques to integrate with real-world APIs using Saloon. We’ll cover how to write tests for your API integrations, how to handle rate limits, and how to deal with errors .

When I started writing the book, one of my main aims was to really hone in on the areas that developers often find particularly confusing. For example, I’ve included a whole chapter on OAuth , which is a complex topic that people are often scared of going anywhere near, so I finally wanted to make it super understandable and less nightmarish! It contains diagrams and step-by-step instructions on how each “OAuth flow” works.

I’ve also added a full guide on how you can use Saloon in your Laravel applications to interact with an OAuth API . I’m really hoping that this section makes developers less scared of OAuth and encourages them to feel more confident and comfortable using it.

There’s also a dedicated section on securely handling webhooks sent from third-party APIs back to your application. I’ve worked on many projects where the developers haven’t written secure code for handling the webhooks, which has meant that there have been security vulnerabilities in the systems that could be exploited. Using code examples, I’ll show you exactly how to securely handle webhooks and make your API integration more robust and bulletproof.

In my experience, it’s information like this that is pure gold when it comes to becoming more competent and confident with handling APIs.

Throughout, I’ve really tried hard to break down a lot of the barriers and make everything super simple for you to dive right in with confidence and make your Laravel projects even more awesome!

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