Designing and Building Solid Microservice Ecosystems Front Cover

Designing and Building Solid Microservice Ecosystems

  • Length: 631 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date: 2021-02-11
  • ISBN-10: 1073514927
  • ISBN-13: 9781073514922

It’s not new to us that microservices are changing the way we conceive the digital transformation, as organizations embrace the digital transformation. Every day, more and more companies are betting on microservice adoption, and there is a strong reason for this: business needs to evolve and change in a fast pace, in order to adapt itself to satisfy a demanding 2.0 digital customer’s experience in terms of overall service quality.Ensuring that such a change occurs seamlessly and progressively is one of the goals for microservices, and designing and building a solid microservice architecture is the way to guarantee that this happens from inception, by observing principles, best practices, design patterns and reference models. This book provides a comprehensive walkthrough across the different concepts, frameworks, methodologies, and architecture building blocks that make up a microservice ecosystem and constitute a reference architecture from which you can get to multiple sub-architectures and implementations. Being an architect, you’ll learn how to better design microservice-led and event-centric architectures in the right way from the early beginning, by showcasing learned lessons, best-practices do’s and don’ts. If you are starting your architecture career, it’s the right place to getting introduced in concepts and methodologies that you will then grow over time, as you acquire more experience. If you are a developer, but willing to jump into the exciting architecture world, this can also be good reading, however, be warned that some basic architectural understandings and concepts need to be first incorporated before walking through the advanced concepts presented throughout this book.This book requires you to have some minimal background around Docker and Microservices to better understand the more advanced concepts that are being explained.

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