Ethical Hacking: 3 in 1- A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide + Complete Tips And Tricks To Ethical Hacking + Learn Penetration Testing, Cybersecurity with Advanced Ethical Hacking Techniques and Methods Front Cover

Ethical Hacking: 3 in 1- A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide + Complete Tips And Tricks To Ethical Hacking + Learn Penetration Testing, Cybersecurity with Advanced Ethical Hacking Techniques and Methods

  • Length: 159 pages
  • Edition: 4
  • Publication Date: 2020-11-11
  • ISBN-10: B08NCQZ61P

Do you know if you were hacked? Do you know if some personal information was stolen from your system or account? Have you always wanted to learn how to protect your system from such attacks? If you answered yes to all these questions, you’ve come to the right place.

Unlike malicious hacking, ethical hacking is a legal way to test the vulnerabilities of a system. Many organizations are still wary of ethical hackers, and they have every right to be since some hackers lie for their own benefit. That being said, many organizations are now searching for ethical hackers because they want to identify a way to protect themselves and their customers and employees.

Over the course of the book, you will learn more about what ethical hacking is and will begin to comprehend the different types of attacks that an ethical hacker can perform on a system.

In this book, you will find:

  • Introduction to Hacking – Understand the basic terms used in hacking and the different categories of hacking.
  • Linux Basis – Because Linux is the best OS for hackers, we have discussed some of the basic features and tools you will need to be a successful ethical hacker. The Linux BackTrack distro, which was developed for hackers, is discussed in depth.
  • Information gathering techniques – This is the first step in ethical gathering. You will learn how to collect information directly from your targets (active information gathering) and indirectly (passive information gathering) and the tools you use to do that.
  • Enumerating Targets and Scanning Ports – This is an advanced stage in information gathering where you find out more details about the host, open ports, OS, and running services, among other details.
  • Assessing Target’s Vulnerability – Here, you will learn about different vulnerability scanners and how to use them to find a gateway into the target’s system.
  • Sniffing the Target’s Network – This chapter teaches how to find more details about the target’s network and how to place yourself in the middle of the target’s network to gather more information.
  • Server Side Exploitation – Exploitation stage is where you now gain access to the target’s system. In server-side exploitation, you exploit the hosts and services on the target’s system.
  • Client-Side Exploitation – Here, you will learn how to compromise users on a network, including how to crack passwords based on information gathered during information gathering stage.
  • Post-Exploitation/Exploiting the Target Further – In this chapter, you will learn how to maintain access on the target’s computer, accessing more details, compromising more targets on the same network as your first target, and escalating privileges.

The book has been designed for you to understand hacking and Kali Linux from its foundation. You will not need to complete the entire book to start with a practical performance on Kali Linux. Every chapter of the penetration testing life cycle is a module in itself, and you will be in a position to try out the tools listed in them as you finish each chapter. There are step-by-step instructions and code snippets throughout the book that will help you get your hands dirty on a real Kali Linux system with the completion of each chapter. So here’s hoping that this book helps you find the appetite to become an ethical hacker someday soon! Click the Buy Now button to get started now.

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