Excel 365 – 100 Tips + Tricks – Part 1: For beginners and experienced users of all ages! Front Cover

Excel 365 – 100 Tips + Tricks – Part 1: For beginners and experienced users of all ages!

  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2024-06-25
  • ISBN-10: B0D846W74F

Excel 365 – 100 Tips + Tricks – Part 1

The easy Tips + Tricks book series to Excel by ityco!
  • used over a thousand times in training courses
  • well suited for self-learning regardless of age group
  • 420 color images!
  • every step is explained mouse click by mouse click
  • almost every step is accompanied by an image
  • very detailed step-by-step instructions
  • very easy to follow and written in plain English
  • many specific examples
  • tips and tricks for Microsoft Excel
  • ways to quickly enter data
  • useful key combinations
  • important mouse and window techniques
  • easy navigation inside tables
  • fast selecting and formatting
  • hidden functions
  • tips for better printing results
  • applying important automatic corrections
  • calculating totals using a button
  • helpful control options and much more
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