Gamification for Product Excellence: Level up your product success with higher user engagement, retention, and innovation Front Cover

Gamification for Product Excellence: Level up your product success with higher user engagement, retention, and innovation

  • Length: 354 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date: 2023-10-10
  • ISBN-10: 1837638381
  • ISBN-13: 9781837638383
  • Sales Rank: #569499 (See Top 100 Books)

Elevate your product and product management process with gamification strategies, frameworks, and best practices from successful examples and expert interviews to create remarkable products

Key Features

  • Understand and design gamification frameworks that captivate users and deliver a compelling experience
  • Build a successful gamification strategy to go from concept to prototype to production
  • Gamify product management processes using game techniques to effectively lead teams and stakeholders

Book Description

Are you trying to build a product that your audience loves to use? Game mechanics and psychology have been used for decades to increase engagement, convert users to buyers, and increase audience retention. Learning when and where to implement these tools can take your product from the middle of the pack to a must-have!

In this book, you’ll start by understanding about gamification, its key concepts, and how Product Managers can leverage it to drive user engagement in non-game scenarios. Progressively, you’ll learn different Gamification frameworks, mechanics, and elements with structured ways to implement them while designing a successful Gamification strategy tailored for a business case. You’ll now implement and test the designed strategy prototype with the users for feedback. Additionally, you’ll discover how to sell your strategy to stakeholders to get full buy-in from the top down, and how to gamify your product development process in order to drive innovation, engagement, and motivation.

By the time you finish reading, you’ll be primed to harness the power of gamification, taking your product and processes to the next level. You will have benefited from proven case studies, best practices, and tips, ensuring you are well-equipped to apply gamification principles to your work as a product development professional.

What you will learn

  • Learn about the concept of gamification and how to engage your user with it
  • Gain insights into the functionality and implementation of different gamification frameworks
  • Master specific game elements and mechanics that can be used to improve the experiences you create
  • Design a successful gamification strategy to test the hypothesis and develop a business case
  • Implement and test the created prototype with users for feedback
  • Learn the argument structure to sell gamification strategy to stakeholders
  • Utilize design thinking exercises and game elements to improve the product management process

Who This Book Is For

Calling all product masterminds!

If you are a product manager, product leader, or product designer weaving gamified experiences and crafting exceptional digital products from conception to reality, then this book is the absolute right pick for you.

So, are you ready to level up your products and unleash their full potential through gamification? All the gamification strategies and frameworks discussed in this book can be practically applied across different domain areas with ease.

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