Handbook of Virtual Environments, 2nd Edition
- Length: 1458 pages
- Edition: 2
- Language: English
- Publisher: CRC Press
- Publication Date: 2014-09-04
- ISBN-10: 1466511842
- ISBN-13: 9781466511842
- Sales Rank: #2277675 (See Top 100 Books)
Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design, Implementation, and Applications, Second Edition (Human Factors and Ergonomics) This second edition of a bestseller presents systematic and extensive coverage of the primary areas of research and development within VE technology. It brings together a comprehensive set of contributed articles that address the principles required to define system requirements and design, build, evaluate, implement, and manage the effective use of VE applications. The contributors provide critical insights and principles associated with their given area of expertise to provide extensive scope and detail on VE technology.
Table of Contents
Section I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Virtual Environments in the Twenty-First Century
Chapter 2: Virtual Environments Standards and Terminology
Section II: System Requirements: Hardware
Chapter 3: Vision and Virtual Environments
Chapter 4:Virtual Auditory Displays
Chapter 5: Dynamic Haptic Interaction with Video
Chapter 6: Olfactory Interfaces
Chapter 7: Perception of Body Motion
Chapter 8: Eye Tracking in Virtual Environments
Chapter 9: Gesture Recognition
Chapter 10: Avatar Control in Virtual Environments
Section III: System Requirements: Software
Chapter 11: Virtual Environment Models
Chapter 12: Principles for Designing Effective 3D Interaction Techniques
Chapter 13: Technological Considerations in the Design of Multisensory Virtual Environments
Chapter 14: Embodied Autonomous Agents
Section IV: Design Approaches and Implementation Strategies
Chapter 15: Structured Development of Virtual Environments
Chapter 16: Cognitive Aspects of Virtual Environment Design
Chapter 17: Multimodal Interaction Modeling
Chapter 18: Illusory Self-Motion in Virtual Environments
Chapter 19: Spatial Orientation, Wayfinding, and Representation
Chapter 20:Technology Management and User Acceptance of Virtual Environment Technology
Chapter 21: Virtual Environments and Product Liability
Section V: Health and Safety Issues
Chapter 22: Direct Effects of Virtual Environments on Users
Chapter 23: Motion Sickness Symptomatology and Origins
Chapter 24: Motion Sickness Scaling
Chapter 25: Adapting to Virtual Environments
Chapter 26: Visually Induced Motion Sickness Causes, Characteristics, and Countermeasures
Chapter 27: Social Impact of Virtual Environments
Section VI: Evaluation
Chapter 28: Usability Engineering of Virtual Environments
Chapter 29: Human Performance Measurement in Virtual Environments
Chapter 30: Conducting Training Transfer Studies in Virtual Environments
Chapter 31: Virtual Environment Usage Protocols
Chapter 32: Measurement of Visual Aftereffects following Virtual Environment Exposure
Chapter 33: Proprioceptive Adaptation and Aftereffects
Chapter 34: Beyond Presence
Chapter 35: Augmented Cognition for Virtual Environment Evaluation
Section VII: Selected Applications of Virtual Environments
Chapter 36: Applications of Virtual Environments
Chapter 37: Use of Virtual Worlds in the Military Services as Part of a Blended Learning Strategy
Chapter 38: Team Training in Virtual Environments
Chapter 39: Visual Perceptual Skills Training in Virtual Environments
Chapter 40: Virtual Environments as a Tool for Conceptual Learning
Chapter 41: Applications of Virtual Environments in Experiential, STEM, and Health Science Education
Chapter 42: Design and Development of 3D Interactive Environments for Special Educational Needs
Chapter 43: Virtual Environment—Assisted Teleoperation
Chapter 44: Evolving Human—Robot Communication through VE-Based Research and Development
Chapter 45: Clinical Virtual Reality
Chapter 46: Modeling and Simulation for Cultural Training
Chapter 47: Immersive Visualization for the Geological Sciences
Chapter 48: Information Visualization in Virtual Environments
Chapter 49: Entertainment Applications of Virtual Environments
Section VIII: Conclusion
Chapter 50: Virtual Environments