Integrating PHP Projects with Jenkins
- Length: 60 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: O'Reilly Media
- Publication Date: 2011-09-29
- ISBN-10: 1449309437
- ISBN-13: 9781449309435
- Sales Rank: #646714 (See Top 100 Books)
Today’s web applications require frequent updates, not just by adding or upgrading features, but by maintaining and improving the software’s existing code base as well. This concise book shows PHP developers how to use Jenkins, the popular continuous integration server, to monitor various aspects of software quality throughout a project’s lifecycle.
You’ll learn how to implement continuous integration to automate processes for building and deploying regular software releases. The book also shows you how to use Jenkins to monitor and improve your application through continuous inspection. You’ll come to understand why reducing complexity and eliminating duplicate code is just as important as introducing new functionality.
- Learn how to use Apache Ant to automate your software builds
- Create a job for your PHP project in Jenkins and set up a continuous integration environment
- Add static code analysis tools to your build for continuous inspection
- Use specialized PHP and Jenkins tools to simplify the automated build and continuous integration of your project
- Explore additional processes and techniques, such as adding automated integration tests
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