Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, 5th Edition
- Length: 768 pages
- Edition: 5
- Language: English
- Publisher: Prentice Hall
- Publication Date: 2011-01-06
- ISBN-10: 0321693949
- ISBN-13: 9780321693945
- Sales Rank: #392535 (See Top 100 Books)
Noted for its integration of real-world data and case studies, this text offers sound coverage of the theoretical aspects of mathematical statistics. The authors demonstrate how and when to use statistical methods, while reinforcing the calculus that students have mastered in previous courses. Throughout the Fifth Edition, the authors have added and updated examples and case studies, while also refining existing features that show a clear path from theory to practice.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Probability
3 Random Variables
4 Special Distributions
5 Estimation
6 Hypothesis Testing
7 Inferences Based On The Normal Distribution
8 Types Of Data: A Brief Overview
9 Two-Sample Inferences
10 Goodness-Of-Fit Tests
11 Regression
12 The Analysis Of Variance
13 Randomized Block Designs
14 Nonparametric Statistics
Appendix: Statistical Tables
Answers To Selected Odd-Numbered Questions