iOS 8 Day by Day
- Length: 315 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Sam Davies
- Publication Date: 2015-01-14
- ISBN-10: B00S9KT1IK
- Sales Rank: #3335813 (See Top 100 Books)
iOS 8 Day by Day: A review of iOS 8 for developers, in 39 bite-size chunks
Apple delivered iOS 8 to the developer world at WWDC in June 2014, before launching it at the wider world in September of the same year. The iOS 8 SDK was somewhat over-shadowed by the simultaneous announcement of a new programming language in the form of Swift, however this didn’t mean that the core OS had been overlooked at all. Quite the opposite – a huge number of new APIs had been introduced, powering tons of new functionality.
iOS8: Day-by-Day is a review of the most important of these. Busy developers don’t have time to trawl the WWDC videos and Apple documentation. Instead they’d like to get a high-level summary of the new possibilities, alongside some working sample code. This is exactly what iOS8: Day-by-Day provides. It started out as a blog series, and these blog posts now form the basis of the book.
Table of Contents
Day 1. Swift for Blaggers
Day 2. Sharing Extension
Day 3. UIVisualEffects
Day 4. Custom Fonts in Interface Builder
Day 5. Auto-sizing table view cells
Day 6. Profiling Unit Tests
Day 7. Adaptive Layout and UITraitCollection
Day 8. Today Extension
Day 9. Designated Initializers
Day 10. Xcode 6 Playgrounds
Day 11. Asynchronous Testing
Day 12. HealthKit
Day 13. CoreImage Detectors
Day 14. Rotation Deprecation
Day 15. NSFormatter
Day 16. Navigation Bar Hiding
Day 17. Live Rendering in Interface Builder
Day 18. UISplitViewController
Day 19. CoreImage Kernels
Day 20. Photos Framework
Day 21. Alerts and Popovers
Day 22. Linking to Settings App
Day 23. Photo Extension
Day 24. Presentation Controllers
Day 25. Notification Actions
Day 26. AVKit
Day 27. Launch Images
Day 28. Document Picker
Day 29. Safari Action Extension
Day 30. App Previews
Day 31. Using Touch ID to Secure the Keychain
Day 32. Layout Margins
Day 33. CloudKit
Day 34. CoreLocation Authorization
Day 35. CoreMotion
Day 36. Location Notifications
Day 37. Autosizing Collection View Cells
Day 38. Handoff
Day 39. WatchKit