Javascript and C# Coding Practice Exercises: Coding For Beginners Front Cover

Javascript and C# Coding Practice Exercises: Coding For Beginners

  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-05-25
  • ISBN-10: B095X8GW6C

This book contains JAVASCRIPT AND C# coding exercises for beginners. It’s useful Job interviews and college examinations. This book only for absolute beginners.

JavaScript functions – Exercises
JavaScript: Find the first not repeated character
JavaScript: Find the longest word within a string
JavaScript: Counts the number of vowels within a string
JavaScript: Check a number is prime or not
JavaScript: Get the data type
JavaScript: Find the second lowest and second greatest
Calculate multiplication and division
Convert temperatures
Find the largest
Reverse a given string
Replace every character
Create a new string
Concatenate two strings
Move last three character
Compute the sum
Add two digits
Check whether a given year is a leap
Check given positive number
Check a string starts with ‘Java’
Check two given integer values
Find a value which is nearest to 100
C# Sharp Basic Algorithm Exercises
Compute the sum
Get the absolute difference between n and 51
Check two given integers
Create a new string where ‘if’ is added
Remove the character in a given position of a given string
Exchange the first and last characters
Create a new string
New string with the last char
Check whether a given positive number is a multiple of 3
Check whether a given string starts with ‘C#’ or not
Check whether one of the given temperatures
Check two given integers
Check whether three given integer values
Check the largest number among three given integers
Print the output of multiplication
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
Print the average of four numbers
Program to convert Temperature
Compute the sum
Compute sum
C# program to check
C# Sharp program to check two given integers
C# Sharp program to check a given positive number
Calculate the perimeter

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