JPA ( Java Persistence API ) For Beginner: Your Step-By-Step Guide For Beginner To Learn JPA Framework Front Cover

JPA ( Java Persistence API ) For Beginner: Your Step-By-Step Guide For Beginner To Learn JPA Framework

  • Length: 269 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2024-04-03
  • ISBN-10: B0CZTXMS29
  • Sales Rank: #0 (See Top 100 Books)

JPA ( Java Persistence API ) is a powerful framework that can be used to quickly build robust data-driven application.

Most of the data that our applications manipulate have to be stored in datastores, retrieved, processed and analysed. If this datastore is a relational database and you use an object-oriented programming language such as Java, then you should have a look at JPA.

JPA is an Object-Relational Mapping tool that maps Java objects to relational databases and allows query operations.
In this book, you will learn Java Persistence API, its annotations for mapping entities.
JPA Integration with spring frameworks.

You will learn Java

Mapping persistent classes, value types, and inheritance
Mapping collections and entity associations
Processing transactions with Spring Data and Hibernate
Creating fetch plans, strategies, and profiles
Filtering data
Using Java persistence with non-relational databases
Querying JPA with QueryDSL

Chapter 1 : JPA One to One Mapping
1 Example 1 : JPA OneToOne Mapping
2 Example 2 : JPA OneToOne Lazy Load Mapping
3 Example 3 : JPA OneToOne Join Column Mapping
4 Example 4 : JPA OneToOne Primary Key Join Column Mapping
5 Example 5 : JPA OneToOne Map Cascade Mapping
6 Example 6 : JPA OneToOne Unidirectional Mapping
7 Example 7 : JPA OneToOne Bidirectional Mapping

Chapter 2 : JPA One to Many Mapping
1 Example 8 : JPA OneToMany Mapping
2 Example 9 : JPA OneToMany Join Table Mapping
3 Example 10: JPA OneToMany Unidirectional Mapping
4 Example 11: JPA OneToMany OrderBy Mapping
5 Example 12: JPA Persist OrderedList Mapping
6 Example 13: JPA OneToMany Map Key Mapping
7 Example 14: JPA OneToMany Untyped Mapping

Chapter 3 : JPA Many to One Mapping
1 Example 15: JPA ManyToOne Mapping
2 Example 16: JPA ManyToOne Join Columns Mapping
3 Example 17: JPA ManyToOne Join Column Mapping

Chapter 4 : JPA Many to Many Mapping
1 Example 18: JPA ManyToMany Mapping
2 Example 19: JPA ManyToMany Join Table Mapping
3 Example 20: JPA ManyToMany Bidirectional Mapping
4 Example 21: JPA ManyToMany Embeddable Mapping

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