KOTLIN AND HADOOP FOR BEGINNERS: 2 BOOKS IN 1 – Learn Coding Fast! KOTLIN Programming Language And HADOOP Crash Course, A QuickStart Guide, Tutorial Book by Program Examples, In Easy Steps! Front Cover

KOTLIN AND HADOOP FOR BEGINNERS: 2 BOOKS IN 1 – Learn Coding Fast! KOTLIN Programming Language And HADOOP Crash Course, A QuickStart Guide, Tutorial Book by Program Examples, In Easy Steps!

  • Length: 205 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2019-11-14
  • ISBN-10: B081K83J4F
  • Sales Rank: #2830596 (See Top 100 Books)

This Books Absolutely For Beginners:
“KOTLIN FOR BEGINNERS” covers all essential KOTLIN programming knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of KOTLIN language fast and easily.

“HADOOP FOR BEGINNERS ” covers all essential Hadoop language knowledge. You can learn complete primary skills of HADOOP programming fast and easily.

Learn Kotlin
Getting Started
Create and Run your First Kotlin Project in IntelliJ IDEA
Kotlin Hello World Program – First Kotlin Program
Kotlin Basics
Kotlin Keywords, Soft Keywords and Identifiers
Kotlin Variables and Data Types
Kotlin Type Casting with examples
Kotlin Operators – Arithmetic, Assignment, Unary, Logical and More
Kotlin – How to take Input from User
Kotlin Comments
Kotlin String
Kotlin Array
Kotlin Ranges
Kotlin Control Flow
Kotlin When Expression with examples
Kotlin for Loop with examples
Kotlin while Loop with examples
Kotlin do-while Loop with examples
Kotlin continue Expression with examples
Kotlin break Statement with examples
Kotlin Functions
Kotlin Recursion and Tail Recursion with examples
Kotlin Default and Named Argument
Kotlin Lambda Function with example
Kotlin Higher order function with example
Kotlin Exception Handling Tutorials
Kotlin Try Catch with example
Kotlin Multiple Catch Blocks with example
Kotlin Nested Try-Catch Block with example
Kotlin throw keyword with example
Kotlin Try as an expression in Exception handling
Kotlin Class and Objects – Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Kotlin Constructors with examples
What is Big Data
What is Hadoop
Hadoop Installation
What is HDFS
HDFS Features and Goals
What is YARN
HADOOP MapReduce
Data Flow In MapReduce
MapReduce API
MapReduce Word Count Example
MapReduce Char Count Example
What is HBase
HBase Read
HBase Write
HBase MemStore
HBase Installation
RDBMS vs HBase
HBase Commands
HBase Example
Hive Tutorial
What is HIVE
Hive Architecture
Apache Hive Installation
HIVE Data Types
Hive – Create Database
Hive – Drop Database
Hive – Create Table
Hive – Load Data
Partitioning in Hive
Dynamic Partitioning
Hadoop Interview Questions

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