Learn D Programming: Designed for all those individuals who are looking for a starting point of learning D Language Front Cover

Learn D Programming: Designed for all those individuals who are looking for a starting point of learning D Language

  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2021-06-05
  • ISBN-10: B096Q7DHRK

D programming language is an object-oriented multi-paradigm system programming language. D programming is actually developed by re-engineering C++ programming language, but it is distinct programming language that not only takes in some features of C++ but also some features of other programming languages such as Java, C#, Python, and Ruby. This book covers various topics ranging from the basics of the D programming language to advanced OOP concepts along with the supplementary examples.

This book is designed for all those individuals who are looking for a starting point of learning D Language. Both a beginner or advanced users can refer this book as their learning material. Enthusiastic learners can refer it as their on-the-go reading reference. Ayn individual with logical mindset can enjoy learning D through this book.

Before proceeding with this book, it is advisable for you to understand the basics concepts of computer programming. You just need to have a basic understanding of working with a simple text editor and command line.

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