Learn JavaScript and Ajax with w3Schools
- Length: 264 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Wiley
- Publication Date: 2010-06-08
- ISBN-10: 0470611944
- ISBN-13: 9780470611944
- Sales Rank: #1416405 (See Top 100 Books)
Fast, focused instruction for beginning Web developers
W3Schools.com is the number one online education source for beginning Web developers. This attractive two-color book contains concise, highly focused tutorials in the proven W3Schools instructional format, with an easy-to-use reference of JavaScript Objects and the HTML DOM included. Novice developers will quickly learn to create interactive Web pages using the most popular Web scripting language.
- W3Schools is the top Google search result for instruction on JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other key Web technologies; this book presents W3Schools tutorials in an easy-to-follow format for quick learning
- Features clear examples, simple explanations, and a thorough reference section covering JavaScript Objects and the HTML DOM
- Covers statements and comments; variables, operators, and comparisons; if…then statements; pop-up boxes; events and try…catch; objects, strings, arrays, and Booleans; cookies, validation, and timing; Ajax requests and XMLHTTP requests; Ajax suggest, and more
Designed to get beginning Web developers up and running as quickly as possible, Learn JavaScript and Ajax with W3Schools presents a proven, highly focused course of instruction in an easy-to-use format.
Table of Contents
Section I JavaScript Basic
Chapter 1: JavaScript How To and Where To
Chapter 2: JavaScript Statements and Comments
Chapter 3: JavaScript Variables
Chapter 4: JavaScript Operators
Chapter 5: JavaScript Comparisons
Chapter 6: JavaScript If… Else Statements
Chapter 7: JavaScript Loops
Chapter 8: Additional JavaScript Flow Control Statements
Chapter 9: JavaScript Popup Boxes
Chapter 10: JavaScript Functions
Chapter 11: JavaScript Events
Chapter 12: Javascript try… Catch and Throw Statements
Chapter 13: JavaScript Special Characters and Guidelines
Section II JavaScript Objects
Chapter 14: JavaScript Objects Intro
Chapter 15: JavaScript String Object
Chapter 16: JavaScript Date Object
Chapter 17: JavaScript Array Object
Chapter 18: JavaScript Boolean Object
Chapter 19: JavaScript Math Object
Chapter 20: JavaScript RegExp Object
Section III JavaScript Advanced
Chapter 21: JavaScript Browser Detection
Chapter 22: JavaScript Cookies
Chapter 23: JavaScript Form Validation
Chapter 24: JavaScript Animation
Chapter 25: JavaScript Image Maps
Chapter 26: JavaScript Timing Events
Chapter 27: Create your own objects with JavaScript
Section IV AJAX Basic
Chapter 28: AJAX XMLHTTPRequest
Chapter 29: AJAX Browser Support
Chapter 30: AJAX— The XMLHttpRequest Object’s Methods and Properties
Chapter 31: AJAX Server
Section V: AJAX Advanced
Chapter 32: AJAX Suggest
Chapter 33: AJAX Database Example
Chapter 34: AJAX XML Example
Chapter 35: AJAX ResponseXML Example
Appendix A: JavaScript Objects
Appendix B: HTML DOM Objects