Learning Cocos2D: A Hands-On Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk
- Length: 640 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
- Publication Date: 2011-07-17
- ISBN-10: 0321735625
- ISBN-13: 9780321735621
- Sales Rank: #2373645 (See Top 100 Books)
Build the Next Great iOS Game with Cocos2D!
Cocos2D is the powerhouse framework behind some of the most popular games in the App Store. If you’ve played Tiny Wings, Angry Birds, Mega Jump, Trainyard, or even Super Turbo Action Pig, then you’ve played a game that uses Cocos2D or Box2D physics. The beauty of Cocos2D is its simplicity. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you start developing an iOS game, especially if you look at things like OpenGL ES, OpenAL, and other lower level APIs. Writing a game for the iPhone and iPad does not have to be that difficult, and Cocos2D makes game development fun and easy.
Learning Cocos2D walks you through the process of building Space Viking (which is free on the App Store), a 2D scrolling game that leverages Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk. As you build Space Viking, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Cocos2D so you can create the next killer iOS game.
Download the free version of Space Viking from the App Store today! Help Ole find his way home while learning how to build the game.
As you build Space Viking, you’ll learn how to
- Install and configure Cocos2D so it works with Xcode 4
- Build a complete 2D action adventure game with Cocos2D
- Add animations and movement to your games
- Build your game’s main menu screen for accessing levels
- Use Cocos2D’s Scheduler to make sure the right events happen at the right times
- Use tile maps to build scrolling game levels from reusable images
- Add audio and sound effects with CocosDenshion—Cocos2D’s sound engine
- Add gravity, realistic collisions, and even ragdoll effects with Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines
- Add amazing effects to your games with particle systems
- Leverage Game Center in your game for achievements and leader boards
- Squeeze the most performance from your games along with tips and tricks
Table of Contents
Part I: Getting Started with Cocos2D
Chapter 1 Hello, Cocos2D
Chapter 2 Hello, Space Viking
Chapter 3 Introduction to Cocos2D Animations and Actions
Chapter 4 Simple Collision Detection and the First Enemy
Part II: More Enemies and More Fun
Chapter 5 More Actions, Effects, and Cocos2D Scheduler
Chapter 6 Text, Fonts, and the Written Word
Part III: From Level to Game
Chapter 7 Main Menu, Level Completed, and Credits Scenes
Chapter 8 Pump Up the Volume!
Chapter 9 When the World Gets Bigger: Adding Scrolling
Part IV: Physics Engines
Chapter 10 Basic Game Physics: Adding Realism with Box2D
Chapter 11 Intermediate Game Physics: Modeling, Racing, and Leaping
Chapter 12 Advanced Game Physics: Even Better than the Real Thing
Chapter 13 The Chipmunk Physics Engine (No Alvin Required)
Part V: Particle Systems, Game Center, and Performance
Chapter 14 Particle Systems: Creating Fire, Snow, Ice, and More
Chapter 15 Achievements and Leaderboards with Game Center
Chapter 16 Performance Optimizations
Chapter 17 Conclusion
A: Principal Classes of Cocos2D