Lose Weight, Live Healthy: A Complete Guide to Designing Your Own Weight Loss Program
- Length: 368 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Bull Publishing Company
- Publication Date: 2011-04-01
- ISBN-10: 1933503610
- ISBN-13: 9781933503615
- Sales Rank: #3371573 (See Top 100 Books)
Incorporating the latest mindfulness and acceptance-based therapy approaches to weight management and health, this guide helps readers tailor nutrition, exercise, stress management, and emotion regulation to their own needs and lifestyle. This is not a diet book or a step-by-step program, but rather a guide that helps readers discover what works for them and to implement change strategies based on their own personal values and goals.
Backed by research and based on well-established behavior change principles, this book offers the latest information on increasing motivation, overcoming binge eating, utilizing social support, meeting the challenges of changing, and considering bariatric surgery. Helpful tips for using smartphone technology and web-based programs are featured throughout the book.
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