Managerial Accounting, 18th Edition
- Length: 834 pages
- Edition: 18
- Language: English
- Publisher: McGraw Hill
- Publication Date: 2023-02-27
- ISBN-10: 1266248617
- ISBN-13: 9781266248610
As the #1 best-sellerin Managerial Accounting, the 18th edition of Garrison/Noreen/Brewer’s ManagerialAccounting continues to innovate in the ways it sets up students for theirfuture career paths. Known for its clear and concise narrative, Garrison’s 18thedition continues to be cutting edge through the incorporation of DataAnalytics Exercises, Integrated Excel, and a robust assessment package allincorporated and auto-gradable within Connect. New to this edition, follow anengaging continuing case featuring a real, mission driven company, HowdyHomemade Ice Cream. New franchise co-author, Norma Montague’s contributionssharpened the diversity, inclusion, and ESG topic coverage throughout the textthrough the In Business boxes, Entrepreneur Spotlights, and language choicesfocused on eliminating generalizations and stereotypes around gender,abilities/disabilities, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, diversity of names,and age.