Microsoft Access 2010 In Depth
- Length: 1200 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Que
- Publication Date: 2011-01-07
- ISBN-10: 0789743078
- ISBN-13: 9780789743077
- Sales Rank: #1181737 (See Top 100 Books)
Access 2010 In Depth is the beyond-the-basics, beneath-the-surface guide for everyone who wants to streamline their work with Access 2010, and get more done in less time. Legendary Access expert Roger Jennings provides specific, tested, proven solutions to the problems Access database users and developers run into every day: challenges other books ignore or oversimplify. Jennings thoroughly covers all facets of working with Access 2010, and adds new chapters on integration and collaboration with Microsoft SharePoint and emulating Table Triggers with Access Data Macros. New coverage also includes: customizable Ribbon and Themes; the revamped Macro Designer; Quick Start Fields; IntelliSense support in Expression Builder; Application Parts and Navigation Forms; conditional formatting and data bars in reports; and new web database publishing techniques. As with all In Depth books, Access 2010 In Depth presents comprehensive coverage, breakthrough techniques, exclusive shortcuts, quick access to information, troubleshooting help for tough problems, and real-world examples with nothing glossed over or left out. Step-by-step instructions with icons guide readers through essential tasks such as designing tables, entering data, importing external data, designing and executing queries, and designing data entry forms and printed reports. Additional chapters on advanced form and report design emphasize data entry efficiency and presentation clarity.
- By Roger Jennings, a world-renowned Access expert who has sold more than 1.25 million books!
- Covers all aspects of working with Access 2010, from the customizable Ribbon and Themes to conditional formatting, advanced web database publishing to SharePoint collaboration
- For everyone who wants to get the most out of Access 2010, from hobbyists to power users to corporate developers
Table of Contents
I: Getting Acquainted with Access 2010
1 Access 2010 for Access 2007 Users: What’s New
2 Building Simple Tracking Applications
3 Navigating the Fluent User Interface
II: Learning the Fundamentals of Access Databases
4 Exploring Relational Database Theory and Practice
5 Working with Access Databases and Tables
6 Entering, Editing, and Validating Access Table Data
7 Sorting, Finding, and Filtering Data
8 Linking, Importing, and Exporting Data
III: Transforming Data with Queries and PivotTables
9 Designing Queries for Access Databases
10 Understanding Access Query Operators and Expressions
11 Creating Multitable and Crosstab Queries
12 Working with PivotTable and PivotChart Views
13 Creating and Updating Access Tables with Action Queries
IV: Designing Forms and Reports
14 Creating and Using Access Forms
15 Designing Custom Multitable Forms
16 Working with Simple Reports and Mailing Labels
17 Preparing Advanced Reports
18 Adding Graphs, PivotCharts, and PivotTables
V: Programming Databases with Macros
19 Automating Access Applications with Macros and Procedures
20 Emulating Table Triggers with Access Data Macros
VI: Collaborating with Access Data
21 Linking Access Front Ends to Access and Client/Server Tables
22 Collaborating with Windows SharePoint Foundation 2010
23 Sharing Web Databases with SharePoint Server 2010
VII: Working with HTML and XML Documents
24 Importing and Exporting Web Pages (Online)
25 Integrating with XML and InfoPath 2010 (Online)
VIII: Creating Access Front Ends to SQL Server Databases
26 Exploring Access Data Projects and SQL Server 2008 (Online)
27 Moving from Access Queries to Transact-SQL (Online)
28 Upsizing Access Applications to Access Data Projects and SQL Azure (Online)
IX: Programming and Converting Access Applications
29 Learning Visual Basic for Applications (Online)
30 Handling Events with VBA and Macros (Online)
31 Programming Combo and List Boxes (Online)
32 Understanding Data Access Objects, OLE DB, and ADO (Online)
33 Upgrading Access 2003 and Earlier Applications to Access 2010 (Online)
X: Appendix
A: What Was New in Access 2007 for Users of Access 2003 and Earlier (Online)
B: Glossary (Online)