Neural Information Processing, Part IV
- Length: 898 pages
- Edition: 1st ed. 2017
- Language: English
- Publisher: Springer
- Publication Date: 2017-11-29
- ISBN-10: 3319700928
- ISBN-13: 9783319700922
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017, Guangzhou, China, November 14–18, 2017, Proceedings, Part IV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The six volume set LNCS 10634, LNCS 10635, LNCS 10636, LNCS 10637, LNCS 10638, and LNCS 10639 constitues the proceedings of the 24rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2017, held in Guangzhou, China, in November 2017. The 563 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 856 submissions. The 6 volumes are organized in topical sections on Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Big Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Brain-Computer Interface, Computational Finance, Computer Vision, Neurodynamics, Sensory Perception and Decision Making, Computational Intelligence, Neural Data Analysis, Biomedical Engineering, Emotion and Bayesian Networks, Data Mining, Time-Series Analysis, Social Networks, Bioinformatics, Information Security and Social Cognition, Robotics and Control, Pattern Recognition, Neuromorphic Hardware and Speech Processing.
Table of Contents
Part 1 Computational Intelligence
Chapter 1. Multi-Robot Task Allocation Based on Cloud Ant Colony Algorithm
Chapter 2. Firefly Algorithm for Demand Estimation of Water Resources
Chapter 3. Using Hidden Markov Model to Predict Human Actions with Swarm Intelligence
Chapter 4. OutIntSys – A Novel Method for the Detection of the Most Intelligent Cooperative Multiagent Systems
Chapter 5. H-PSO-LSTM: Hybrid LSTM Trained by PSO for Online Handwriter Identification
Chapter 6. A Randomized Algorithm for Prediction Interval Using RVFL Networks Ensemble
Chapter 7. Selection Mechanism in Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm: A Comparative Study on Numerical Benchmark Problems
Chapter 8. Adaptive Fireworks Algorithm Based on Two-Master Sub-population and New Selection Strategy
Chapter 9. A Novel Osmosis-Inspired Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization
Chapter 10. A Memetic Algorithm for Community Detection in Bipartite Networks
Chapter 11. Complex-Valued Feedforward Neural Networks Learning Without Backpropagation
Chapter 12. Distributed Recurrent Neural Network Learning via Metropolis-Weights Consensus
Chapter 13. Bayesian Curve Fitting Based on RBF Neural Networks
Chapter 14. An Improved Conjugate Gradient Neural Networks Based on a Generalized Armijo Search Method
Chapter 15. Removing Bias from Diverse Data Clusters for Ensemble Classification
Chapter 16. An Efficient Algorithm for Complex-Valued Neural Networks Through Training Input Weights
Chapter 17. Feature Selection Using Smooth Gradient L1/2 Regularization
Chapter 18. Top-k Merit Weighting PBIL for Optimal Coalition Structure Generation of Smart Grids
Chapter 19. Towards a Brain-Inspired Developmental Neural Network by Adaptive Synaptic Pruning
Chapter 20. Using Word Mover’s Distance with Spatial Constraints for Measuring Similarity Between Mongolian Word Images
Chapter 21. A Multimodal Vigilance Monitoring System Based on Fuzzy Logic Architecture
Chapter 22. Shape-Based Image Retrieval Based on Improved Genetic Programming
Chapter 23. An AI-Based Hybrid Forecasting Model for Wind Speed Forecasting
Chapter 24. Parameter Identification for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Based on ESN
Chapter 25. Personalized Web Search Based on Ontological User Profile in Transportation Domain
Chapter 26. Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Human Postural Balance Control
Chapter 27. Dynamic Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Based on a New Environment Change Detection Strategy
Chapter 28. Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Based Cooperative Agents with Automated Negotiation
Chapter 29. Emergency Materials Scheduling in Disaster Relief Based on a Memetic Algorithm
Chapter 30. Robot Path Planning Based on A Hybrid Approach
Chapter 31. A Portable System of Visual Fatigue Evaluation for Stereoscopic Display
Chapter 32. A Swarm Optimization-Based Kmedoids Clustering Technique for Extracting Melanoma Cancer Features
Chapter 33. A Deep Learning-Based Model for Tactile Understanding on Haptic Data Percutaneous Needle Treatment
Chapter 34. Measuring Word Semantic Similarity Based on Transferred Vectors
Chapter 35. Multi-population Based Search Strategy Ensemble Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with a Novel Resource Allocation Mechanism
Chapter 36. Grammatical Evolution Using Tree Representation Learning
Chapter 37. Application of Grammatical Swarm to Symbolic Regression Problem
Chapter 38. Bi-MOCK: A Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Bi-clustering with Automatic Determination of the Number of Bi-clusters
Chapter 39. A Transferable Framework: Classification and Visualization of MOOC Discussion Threads
Chapter 40. A Simple Convolutional Transfer Neural Networks in Vision Tasks
Chapter 41. Dissimilarity-Based Sequential Backward Feature Selection Algorithm for Fault Diagnosis
Chapter 42. Online Chaotic Time Series Prediction Based on Square Root Kalman Filter Extreme Learning Machine
Chapter 43. Automatic Detection of Epileptic Seizures Based on Entropies and Extreme Learning Machine
Chapter 44. Community Detection in Networks by Using Multiobjective Membrane Algorithm
Chapter 45. Double-Coding Density Sensitive Hashing
Chapter 46. Improving Shape Retrieval by Fusing Generalized Mean First-Passage Time
Chapter 47. Complex-Valued Neural Networks for Wave-Based Realization of Reservoir Computing
Chapter 48. Waveform Classification by Memristive Reservoir Computing
Chapter 49. A Preliminary Approach to Semi-supervised Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks Applying “Sleep-Wake” Cycles
Chapter 50. Deep Reinforcement Learning: From Q-Learning to Deep Q-Learning
Chapter 51. Origami Folding Sequence Generation Using Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization
Chapter 52. CACO-LD: Parallel Continuous Ant Colony Optimization with Linear Decrease Strategy for Solving CNOP
Chapter 53. New Decrease-and-Conquer Strategies for the Dynamic Genetic Algorithm for Server Consolidation
Chapter 54. Feature Extraction for the Identification of Two-Class Mechanical Stability Test of Natural Rubber Latex
Part 2 Neural Data Analysis
Chapter 55. Evolutionary Modularity Optimization Clustering of Neuronal Spike Trains
Chapter 56. Identifying Gender Differences in Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using Bimodal Deep AutoEncoder
Chapter 57. EEG-Based Sleep Quality Evaluation with Deep Transfer Learning
Chapter 58. A Stochastic Neural Firing Generated at a Hopf Bifurcation and Its Biological Relevance
Chapter 59. Functional Connectivity Analysis of EEG in AD Patients with Normalized Permutation Index
Chapter 60. Emotion Annotation Using Hierarchical Aligned Cluster Analysis
Chapter 61. Identify Non-fatigue State to Fatigue State Using Causality Measure During Game Play
Chapter 62. A Graph Theory Analysis on Distinguishing EEG-Based Brain Death and Coma
Chapter 63. EEG Comparison Between Normal and Developmental Disorder in Perception and Imitation of Facial Expressions with the NeuCube
Chapter 64. Testing and Understanding Second-Order Statistics of Spike Patterns Using Spike Shuffling Methods
Chapter 65. Self-connection of Thalamic Reticular Nucleus Modulating Absence Seizures
Chapter 66. Learning a Continuous Attractor Neural Network from Real Images
Chapter 67. Active Prediction in Dynamical Systems
Chapter 68. A Biophysical Model of the Early Olfactory System of Honeybees
Chapter 69. The Dynamics of Bimodular Continuous Attractor Neural Networks with Moving Stimuli
Chapter 70. Encoding Multisensory Information in Modular Neural Networks
Part 3 Biomedical Engineering
Chapter 71. Using Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks to Diagnose Breast Cancer from Histopathological Images
Chapter 72. Real-Time Prediction of the Unobserved States in Dopamine Neurons on a Reconfigurable FPGA Platform
Chapter 73. A Subject-Specific EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model for the Estimation of Moments in Ankle Plantar-Dorsiflexion Movement
Chapter 74. Real-Time Scalp-Hemodynamics Artifact Reduction Using a Sliding-Window General Linear Model: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Chapter 75. Liver Segmentation and 3D Modeling Based on Multilayer Spiral CT Image
Chapter 76. Deep Retinal Image Segmentation: A FCN-Based Architecture with Short and Long Skip Connections for Retinal Image Segmentation
Chapter 77. Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Chest Radiography with Deep Multi-Instance Learning
Chapter 78. A Hybrid Model: DGnet-SVM for the Classification of Pulmonary Nodules
Chapter 79. Deep Learning Features for Lung Adenocarcinoma Classification with Tissue Pathology Images
Chapter 80. The Analysis and Classify of Sleep Stage Using Deep Learning Network from Single-Channel EEG Signal
Chapter 81. Thin-Cap Fibroatheroma Detection with Deep Neural Networks
Chapter 82. Generalization of Local Temporal Correlation Common Spatial Patterns Using Lp-norm (0 lessthan p lessthan 2)
Chapter 83. fNIRS Approach to Pain Assessment for Non-verbal Patients
Chapter 84. Tinnitus EEG Classification Based on Multi-frequency Bands
Chapter 85. Deep Neural Network with l2-Norm Unit for Brain Lesions Detection
Part 4 Emotion and Bayesian Networks
Chapter 86. Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks
Chapter 87. Investigating Gender Differences of Brain Areas in Emotion Recognition Using LSTM Neural Network
Chapter 88. Can Eye Movement Improve Prediction Performance on Human Emotions Toward Images Classification?
Chapter 89. Effect of Parameter Tuning at Distinguishing Between Real and Posed Smiles from Observers’ Physiological Features
Chapter 90. Brain Effective Connectivity Analysis from EEG for Positive and Negative Emotion
Chapter 91. Efficient Human Stress Detection System Based on Frontal Alpha Asymmetry
Chapter 92. A Pattern-Based Bayesian Classifier for Data Stream
Chapter 93. A Hierarchical Mixture Density Network
Chapter 94. A New Bayesian Method for Jointly Sparse Signal Recovery