Neural Information Processing, Part VI
- Length: 912 pages
- Edition: 1st ed. 2017
- Language: English
- Publisher: Springer
- Publication Date: 2017-12-01
- ISBN-10: 3319701355
- ISBN-13: 9783319701356
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017, Guangzhou, China, November 14–18, 2017, Proceedings, Part VI (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The six volume set LNCS 10634, LNCS 10635, LNCS 10636, LNCS 10637, LNCS 10638, and LNCS 10639 constitues the proceedings of the 24rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2017, held in Guangzhou, China, in November 2017. The 563 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 856 submissions. The 6 volumes are organized in topical sections on Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Big Data Analysis, Deep Learning, Brain-Computer Interface, Computational Finance, Computer Vision, Neurodynamics, Sensory Perception and Decision Making, Computational Intelligence, Neural Data Analysis, Biomedical Engineering, Emotion and Bayesian Networks, Data Mining, Time-Series Analysis, Social Networks, Bioinformatics, Information Security and Social Cognition, Robotics and Control, Pattern Recognition, Neuromorphic Hardware and Speech Processing.
Table of Contents
Part 1 Robotics and Control
Chapter 1. Electromyogram Activation Reflects Property of Isochrony Phenomenon During Cyclic Human Arm Movement
Chapter 2. A Learning-Based Decentralized Optimal Control Method for Modular and Reconfigurable Robots with Uncertain Environment
Chapter 3. Decentralized Force/Position Fault-Tolerant Control for Constrained Reconfigurable Manipulators with Actuator Faults
Chapter 4. Backward Path Tracking Control for Mobile Robot with Three Trailers
Chapter 5. Adaptation-Oriented Near-Optimal Control and Robust Synthesis of an Overhead Crane System
Chapter 6. Deep CNN Identifier for Dynamic Modelling of Unmanned Helicopter
Chapter 7. Packet-Dropouts Compensation for Networked Control System via Deep ReLU Neural Network
Chapter 8. Cloud-Based Knowledge Sharing in Cooperative Robot Tracking of Multiple Targets with Deep Neural Network
Chapter 9. Backstepping and ADRC Techniques Applied to One-DOF Link Manipulator with External Disturbances and Input Saturation
Chapter 10. A Causal Multi-armed Bandit Approach for Domestic Robots’ Failure Avoidance
Chapter 11. Enabling Imagination: Generative Adversarial Network-Based Object Finding in Robotic Tasks
Chapter 12. Event-Based Target Tracking Control for a Snake Robot Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor
Chapter 13. Data-Driven Nonlinear Adaptive Optimal Control of Connected Vehicles
Chapter 14. Energy Management of Planetary Gear Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Improved Dynamic Programming
Chapter 15. Consensus Maneuvering of Uncertain Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems
Chapter 16. Partially-Directed-Topology-Based Consensus Control for Linear Multi-agent Systems
Chapter 17. Synchronization in Networks of Nonidentical Discrete-Time Systems with Directed Graphs
Chapter 18. Adaptive Neural Network Output-Feedback Control for a Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems in Presence of Input Saturation
Chapter 19. FPGA Implementation of the Projection Based Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Compute the Distance Between a Point and an Ellipsoid
Chapter 20. A Compliance Control Strategy for Minimizing Base Attitude Disturbance Using Variable Stiffness Joint Space Manipulator
Chapter 21. Path Following for Unmanned Surface Vessels Based on Adaptive LOS Guidance and ADRC
Chapter 22. Adaptive Neural Control for Pure Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Actuator Nonlinearity
Chapter 23. Composite Learning Control of Hypersonic Flight Dynamics Without Back-Stepping
Chapter 24. Disturbance Observer Based Optimal Attitude Control of NSV Using -D Method
Chapter 25. Three-Dimensional Vibrations Control Design for a Single Point Mooring Line System with Input Saturation
Chapter 26. Boundary Iterative Learning Control of an Euler-Bernoulli Beam System
Chapter 27. Adaptive Control of an Output Constrainted Riser
Chapter 28. Vibration Suppression of an Axially Moving System with Restrained Boundary Tension
Chapter 29. A High Accurate Vision Algorithm on Measuring Arbitrary Contour
Chapter 30. Dynamic Phasor Modeling of a Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid
Chapter 31. UAV Path Planning Based on Adaptive Weighted
Chapter 32. Multi-Agent Q(EPS/IEq1.eps) Learning for Optimal Operation Management of Energy Internet
Chapter 33. Mixed Installation to Optimize the Position and Type Selection of Turbines for Wind Farms
Chapter 34. Kinematic, Static and Dynamic Analyses of Flapping Wing Mechanism Based on ANSYS Workbench
Chapter 35. Homography-Based Visual Servo Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots with Simultaneous Depth Identification
Chapter 36. Amended Disturbance Observer Compensation-Based Vibration Control for an All-Clamped Stiffened Plate
Chapter 37. Dynamics Analysis of Underactuated Cherrypicker Systems with Friction
Chapter 38. A PD Controller of Flexible Joint Manipulator Based on Neuro-Adaptive Observer
Chapter 39. Transient Tracking Performance Guaranteed Neural Control of Robotic Manipulators with Finite-Time Learning Convergence
Chapter 40. Guaranteeing Predefined Full State Constraints for Non-Affine Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Networks
Chapter 41. Self-repairing Learning Rule for Spiking Astrocyte-Neuron Networks
Chapter 42. Finite-Time Adaptive Attitude Stabilization for Spacecraft Based on Modified Power Reaching Law
Chapter 43. Neural Network Based Finite-Time Adaptive Backstepping Control of Flexible Joint Manipulators
Part 2 Pattern Recognition
Chapter 44. An Approach to Pulse Coupled Neural Network Based Vein Recognition
Chapter 45. A Regularized Margin Fisher Analysis Method for Face Recognition
Chapter 46. The Abstraction for Trajectories with Different Numbers of Sampling Points
Chapter 47. A Deep Orthogonal Non-negative Matrix Factorization Method for Learning Attribute Representations
Chapter 48. An Event-Driven Computational System with Spiking Neurons for Object Recognition
Chapter 49. Subspace Clustering via Adaptive Low-Rank Model
Chapter 50. Affine-Constrained Group Sparse Coding Based on Mixed Norm
Chapter 51. Elastic Net Based Weighted Iterative Method for Image Classification
Chapter 52. Cognitive Load Recognition Using Multi-threshold United Complex Network
Chapter 53. ELM-Based Signal Detection Scheme of MIMO System Using Auto Encoder
Chapter 54. Low-Frequency Representation for Face Recognition
Chapter 55. Robustness of Selective Desensitization Perceptron Against Irrelevant and Partially Relevant Features in Pattern Classification
Chapter 56. Single Sample Face Recognition Based on Global Local Binary Pattern Feature Extraction
Chapter 57. Multi-Features Fusion Based Face Recognition
Chapter 58. Visual Saliency Based Blind Image Quality Assessment via Convolutional Neural Network
Chapter 59. Multi-task Modular Backpropagation for Feature-Based Pattern Classification
Chapter 60. On-Road Object Detection Based on Deep Residual Networks
Chapter 61. Supervised Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiview Feature Learning
Chapter 62. Handwritten Digit String Recognition by Combination of Residual Network and RNN-CTC
Chapter 63. Highly Occluded Face Detection: An Improved R-FCN Approach
Chapter 64. Partial Fingerprint Matching via Phase-Only Correlation and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Chapter 65. Adaptively Weighted Facial Expression Recognition by Feature Fusion Under Intense Illumination Condition
Chapter 66. A Deep Model Combining Structural Features and Context Cues for Action Recognition in Static Images
Chapter 67. Face Hallucination and Recognition Using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
Chapter 68. RGB-D Object Recognition Using the Knowledge Transferred from Relevant RGB Images
Chapter 69. Image Inpainting by Recursive Estimation Using Neural Network and Wavelet Transformation
Chapter 70. Experimental Study on the Effects of Watermarking Techniques on EEG-Based Application System Performance
Chapter 71. A Self Organizing Map Based Multi-objective Framework for Automatic Evolution of Clusters
Chapter 72. A Genetic Programming Based ECOC Algorithm for Microarray Data Classification
Chapter 73. Co-evolutionary Multi-task Learning for Modular Pattern Classification
Chapter 74. CNN Based Transfer Learning for Scene Script Identification
Chapter 75. A Method of Pedestrian Re-identification Based on Multiple Saliency Features
Chapter 76. Improvement of Texture Clustering Performance in Complex-Valued SOM by Using Complex-Valued Auto-encoder for Millimeter-Wave Coherent Imaging
Chapter 77. A Radiomics Approach for Automated Identification of Aggressive Tumors on Combined PET and Multi-parametric MRI
Chapter 78. Image Recognition with Histogram of Oriented Gradient Feature and Pseudoinverse Learning AutoEncoders
Chapter 79. A New Vector Space Model Based on the Deep Learning
Chapter 80. Neuronal Classifier for both Rate and Timing-Based Spike Patterns
Part 3 Neuromorphic Hardware and Speech Processing
Chapter 81. Neuromorphic Hardware Using Simplified Elements and Thin-Film Semiconductor Devices as Synapse Eleme …
Chapter 82. An Analog Probabilistic Spiking Neural Network with On-Chip Learning
Chapter 83. An Efficient Hardware Architecture for Multilayer Spiking Neural Networks
Chapter 84. A Novel Design Method of Burst Mechanisms of a Piece-Wise Constant Neuron Model Based on Bifurcation Analysis
Chapter 85. Implementation of Desired Digital Spike Maps in the Digital Spiking Neurons
Chapter 86. A Novel Hardware-Efficient CPG Model Based on Nonlinear Dynamics of Asynchronous Cellular Automaton
Chapter 87. A Hardware-Oriented Dropout Algorithm for Efficient FPGA Implementation
Chapter 88. Complexity Reduction of Neural Network Model for Local Motion Detection in Motion Stereo Vision
Chapter 89. Polymer Waveguide-Based Reservoir Computing
Chapter 90. Weighted Robust Principal Component Analysis with Gammatone Auditory Filterbank for Singing Voice Separation
Chapter 91. Word-Level Permutation and Improved Lower Frame Rate for RNN-Based Acoustic Modeling
Chapter 92. Phonemic Restoration Based on the Movement Continuity of Articulation
Chapter 93. Language Identification Using Deep Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
Chapter 94. Underdetermined Mixture Matrix Estimation Based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
Chapter 95. Bio-inspired Multi-layer Spiking Neural Network Extracts Discriminative Features from Speech Signals