Photoshop From Scratch(Updates for 2021 included): The beginners guide to Photoshop
- Edition: 6
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2021-01-30
Download the sample images file from www.deepkumawat.com. Photoshop is THE industry-standard software for photo editing as a whole. From photo studios to Hollywood films, it is used everywhere! But the only problem with it is the fact that it is not beginner-friendly.STORYTIME!Once a friend of mine tried to create a simple pin for Pinterest, and guess what, he was unable to create it. He wanted to create a collage of a few images with some text in it. He told me that photoshop is too complicated, but on the other hand, I could have created it in less than 5 minutes. So, the moral of the story is, you need to learn the basics of photoshop from someone who has a fair bit of experience with it. That would be able to create your imagination(wow, that sounded fancy!). Now, this is where my book comes to the rescue! My book will guide you through photoshop by using examples and images so that everything stays visual. After reading this book, you would have a basic understanding of photoshop. With this knowledge, you can turn a million ideas into reality. And if you wish to learn more, it would only be easier after you have cleared a few important basics. That means now photoshop would not be the barrier between your imagination and your final image!
-Keep in mind that this book would not make you an expert. This book is for beginners. It is designed to clear basics, not mastering every tiny bit of photoshop. This book is practice-oriented. It’s not supposed to be a technical, 800-page book.