PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, 2nd Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery Front Cover

PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, 2nd Edition: Solve challenges across scalability, performance optimization, essential commands, cloud provisioning, backup, and recovery

  • Length: 188 pages
  • Edition: 2
  • Publisher:
  • Publication Date: 2024-08-13
  • ISBN-10: 8119177509
  • ISBN-13: 9788119177509

Offering a detailed practical look at PostgreSQL 16’s new features, “PostgreSQL 16 Cookbook, Second Edition” equips database administrators and developers to take advantage of the most recent developments. This edition provides in-depth coverage of enhanced logical replication, which now includes the ability to replicate from standby servers. We provide detailed instructions for setting up these advanced replication configurations, allowing you to better distribute workloads and improve data availability. The optimization of concurrent bulk loading capabilities for faster data ingestion is another noteworthy addition. Another standout feature of our book are the practical solutions and examples for using the new JSON functions and operators to store, query, and manipulate JSON data in your applications.

We walk you through the process of configuring refined user roles and permissions, ensuring effective access control in complex environments. Additionally, the book teaches new monitoring capabilities introduced with the pg_stat_io view, which provide insights into I/O operations to help optimize performance. The book goes on to implement performance enhancements such as SIMD acceleration for processing ASCII and JSON strings, as well as the new load balancing feature, load_balance_hosts, which distributes traffic efficiently among multiple servers. The goal of this book is to equip you with to successfully manage, optimize, and troubleshoot database environments.

Key Learnings

  • Boost data availability and workload distribution using advanced logical replication techniques.
  • Apply the SIMD acceleration to expedite the processing of ASCII and JSON strings.
  • Make use of improved SQL/JSON syntax to manage complicated JSON data operations.
  • Enhance efficiency and decrease query times by optimizing query performance with parallel execution.
  • Utilize pg_stat_io for troubleshooting and monitoring I/O operations.
  • Utilize Rust libraries like pgx and rust-postgres for easy integration with PostgreSQL.
  • Distribute workload among numerous PostgreSQL instances by configuring load_balance_hosts.
  • Simplify user role configurations and security with refined privilege management.
  • Utilize pgBackRest and Barman to implement strong backup strategies.
  • Optimize database performance using concurrent bulk loading.

Table of Content

  1. Preparing PostgreSQL 16
  2. Performing Basic PostgreSQL Operations
  3. PostgreSQL Cloud Provisioning
  4. Database Migration to Cloud and PostgreSQL
  5. WAL, AutoVacuum & ArchiveLog
  6. Partitioning and Sharding Strategies
  7. Troubleshooting Replication, Scalability & High Availability
  8. Blob, JSON Query, CAST Operator & Connections
  9. Authentication, Audit & Encryption
  10. Implementing Database Backup Strategies
  11. Perform Database Recovery & Restoration
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