Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty, 2nd Edition
- Length: 638 pages
- Edition: Second Edition
- Language: English
- Publisher: W. H. Freeman
- Publication Date: 2009-11-30
- ISBN-10: 1429224622
- ISBN-13: 9781429224628
- Sales Rank: #818438 (See Top 100 Books)
Unlike traditional introductory math/stat textbooks, Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty brings a modern flavor to the course, incorporating the computer and offering an integrated approach to inference that includes the frequency approach and the Bayesian inference. From the start the book integrates simulations into its theoretical coverage, and emphasizes the use of computer-powered computation throughout. Math and science majors with just one year of calculus can use this text and experience a refreshing blend of applications and theory that goes beyond merely mastering the technicalities.
The new edition includes a number of features designed to make the material more accessible and level-appropriate to the students taking this course today.
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