Programming language JAVA FULL STACK, 2nd Edition Front Cover

Programming language JAVA FULL STACK, 2nd Edition

  • Length: 458 pages
  • Edition: 2
  • Publication Date: 2024-03-09
  • ISBN-10: B0CW9QT3WK

Objective: The content of WebDeveloper JAVA aims to provide training to work as a Full Stack Java programmer, working with Java web, database, API development, MVC in addition to Angular frontend.

In the course, the student develops Java Oriented Objects, FrontEnd with Angular, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, as well as JPA and Hibernate. FRONTEND development with Angular and publishing projects on GITHUB and AWS are also covered.

Target Audience:
• Professionals who want to train as Full Stack developers and make Java their gateway to the programming job market

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