Python for Beginners: 2 Books in 1. Programming Book and Workbook. The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Master Python with Practical Examples and Exercises
- Length: 390 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2020-05-19
- ISBN-10: B088XS7VWW
⭐ Looking to learn Python? ⭐
This is the easiest way you can do it!
This boxset includes:
✅ BOOK 1:
Python for Beginners is a book that is going to change your perception about computer programming and teach you the secrets of Python programming language.
If you are a student or a professional looking for more technical skills, then this is definitely the book for you.
This book offer a revolutionary approach will speed up your learning.
You will master the Python language and its powerful applications in an extremely short time, even if you are a complete beginner.
Examples, illustrations and step-by-step guides will guide you not to make mistakes and not to cause confusion.
Here is just a tiny fraction of what you will learn:
- The basics of Python programming
- Variables, data types, basic and advanced operations
- Essential Python libraries
- Python Object Oriented
- Data visualization tools and techniques
- Multithreaded Programming
- Network Programming
- CGI Programming
- Regular Expression
- Step-by-step exercises, practical examples, tips and tricks
- …and many many other
This book is the perfect choice for anyone who don’t know programming, hate wasting time or want ZERO confusion
✅ BOOK 2:
Python Workbook: Learn Python Well and Quickly. Exercises, Questions and Projects with Solutions. The Perfect Beginner’s Guide to Learning How to Program you will find a real step-by-step path that will take you from zero to 100 percent mastery in a few days!
This book is for you. You no longer have to waste your time and money learning Python from lengthy books, expensive online courses or complicated Python tutorials.
You will learn:
- Whаt аrе соmрutеr рrоgrаmmіng аnd іtѕ uѕеѕ
- If statement exercise and solution
- Pуthоn fоr lоор exеrсіѕеѕ and solution
- Funсtіоn exеrсіѕеѕ and solution
- List exercise and solution
- Pуthоn dісtіоnаrу exеrсіѕе wіth sоlutіоnѕ
- Pуthоn sеt exеrсіѕе with sоlutіоnѕ
- File and exception exercise and solution
- Pуthоn rаndоm dаtа gеnеrаtіоn exеrсіѕе tо mаѕtеr rаndоm dаtа gеnеrаtіоn tесhnіquеѕ
- Rесurѕіоn іn pуthоn
Whether you’re completely new to programming or you are looking for a new language to expand your skills, you will find this book an invaluable tool for mastering programming in Python and solving problems with practical techniques.