R Readable Code 100 Knock: 100 Techniques for Writing Readable R Code Front Cover

R Readable Code 100 Knock: 100 Techniques for Writing Readable R Code

  • Length: 233 pages
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2024-07-12
  • ISBN-10: B0D9D9LLP1

This comprehensive guide offers 100 practical techniques for writing clean, readable, and maintainable R code.

Learn how to leverage the power of the tidyverse ecosystem and master the art of data manipulation using the pipe operator %%.

Discover best practices for naming conventions, including tips for variables, functions, and Boolean expressions.

Explore advanced topics such as vectorization, effective use of R’s data structures, and formula notation for model specifications.

Gain insights into functional programming with purrr and create stunning visualizations with ggplot2.

Improve your skills in handling dates and times with lubridate, and learn how to write more efficient and expressive R code.

Perfect for both beginners and experienced R programmers looking to enhance their coding style and productivity.

Packed with real-world examples and practical advice, this book will help you write R code that is not only functional but also easy to understand and maintain.

Elevate your R programming skills and become a more proficient and confident data scientist with these 100 essential techniques.

・Use the pipe operator %% for cleaner and more readable data manipulation
・Utilize tidyverse functions for consistent and intuitive data wrangling
・Vectorization in R
・Leveraging R’s Data Structures
・Use R’s formula notation (y ~ x) for clear and concise model specifications
・Include the data type in variable names (e.g., df_customers, vec_ages)
・Use verb-noun combinations for function names
・Prefix Boolean variables with “is_” or “has_”
・Use plural nouns for vectors or lists
・Include units in variable names when applicable
・Avoid abbreviations unless they are widely understood
・Use descriptive names instead of single letters
・Avoid using built-in function names as variables
・Use consistent naming conventions
・Avoid using similar names for different variables (e.g., data and date)
・Use purrr functions for consistent and readable functional programming
・Leverage ggplot2 for creating clear and customizable visualizations
・Utilize lubridate for intuitive date and time manipulations

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