Rails 3 in Action
- Length: 592 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: Manning Publications
- Publication Date: 2011-09-28
- ISBN-10: 1935182277
- ISBN-13: 9781935182276
- Sales Rank: #4032861 (See Top 100 Books)
Rails 3 in Action is a collaboration between Rails community leaders, Ryan Bigg and Yehuda Katz, that covers Rails 3.1 making it the most up-to-date resource available. But it’s much more than just a Rails 3 reference book. You’ll learn to do Rails the right way, so you can build stable, scalable, and maintainable apps that will satisfy even the most demanding clients.
About the Book
Rails 3 is a full stack, open source web framework powered by Ruby and this book is an introduction to it. Whether you’re just starting or you have a few cycles under your belt, you’ll appreciate the book’s guru’s-eye-view of idiomatic Rails programming.
You’ll master Rails 3.1 by developing a ticket tracking application that includes RESTful routing, authentication and authorization, state maintenance, file uploads, email, and more. You’ll also explore powerful features like designing your own APIs and building a Rails engine. You will see Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development in action throughout the book, just like you would in a top Rails shop.
It is helpful for readers to have a background in Ruby, but no prior Rails experience is needed.
What’s Inside
- Covers Rails 3.1 from the ground up
- Testing and BDD using RSpec and Cucumber
- Working with Rack
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Ruby on Rails, the framework
Chapter 2 Testing saves your bacon
Chapter 3 Developing a real Rails application
Chapter 4 Oh CRUD!
Chapter 5 Nested resources
Chapter 6 Authentication and basic authorization
Chapter 7 Basic access control
Chapter 8 More authorization
Chapter 9 File uploading
Chapter 10 Tracking state
Chapter 11 Tagging
Chapter 12 Sending email
Chapter 13 Designing an API
Chapter 14 Deployment
Chapter 15 Alternative authentication
Chapter 16 Basic performance enhancements
Chapter 17 Engines
Chapter 18 Rack-based applications
Appendix A: Why Rails?
Appendix B: Tidbits