Spring Boot Microservices on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS): With AWD RDS Backend Front Cover

Spring Boot Microservices on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS): With AWD RDS Backend


The book will define what Containers are, how Kubernetes Container Orchestration achieves automation of running containerized applications on a massive scale. It will then show how to build Spring Boot Microservices and how to deploy that on an AWS Elastic Kubernetes Container Service (EKS). It will teach concepts behind Kubernetes Cluster, Pods, Services, and Networking. The Microservices are production-grade and not the type of Hello World APIs. Advanced Spring Boot Topics such as Aspect-Oriented Programming, Event Publishing, and Trapping will also be shown. Along the way, we will deal with AWS Elastic Container Registry, AWS eksctl command-line utility to provision an AWS EKS cluster, and AWS RDS MySQL.

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