Team Intelligence: A New Method Using Swarm Intelligence for Building Successful Teams
- Length: 160 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: CRC Press
- Publication Date: 2024-12-17
- ISBN-10: 1032863625
- ISBN-13: 9781032863627
If you have wondered about mesmerizing patterns of flying birds and fish, and asked how they do it, then you have observed what biologists refer to as an intelligent swarm. It is as if the members of swarm are receiving commands on what to do. It is magic! In reality, it is an intriguing set of behaviors that many species including birds, fish, bats, wolves, honeybees, termites and many others have learnt during their millions of years of evolution, which has enabled them to succeed better and sustain their lives.
We have learned and applied our learning from nature, and have been inspired to invent many things we use from this fabulous source: Mother Nature! The question that led to long research and this book is set to answer, might be strange and unique: Can we use nature for managing people and teams in companies? After all, social beings in nature seem to be able function very well, and recent research has revealed great approaches they take to make decisions, and work together.
This book opens that exact interdisciplinary field, a bridge between managing teams and people in companies with how similar problems are solved in intelligent swarms. The research supporting this idea has led to a set of principles that will transform traditional teams into Intelligent Teams. These teams are capable of bringing performance, learning, and happiness of the team members to a new high level.