The C# Type System
- Length: 344 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publisher: No Starch Press
- Publication Date: 2023-10-31
- ISBN-10: 1718501587
- ISBN-13: 9781718501584
Harness the power of the C# type system to write programs that are clearer, simpler, and more efficient.
The type system is the foundation upon which all C# programs are built. The C# Type System will show you how todefine and implement value types effectively, and write more performant and robust code. Real-world code examplesand test cases throughout will elevate your programming with C# and show you how best to implement the principlesyou’re learning.
Among the core aspects of working with the type system, you’ll
- How user-defined value types, and even simple types, can enhance your code’s readability
- How reference and value types differ within C#
- How method parameters and arguments relate to reference and value types
- How differences in copy semantics between value and reference types affect a program’s behavior
- How the different methods of value comparisons for equality work behind the scenes
- The unique characteristics and roles of various types in an application, especially how value types go beyond meredata storage
- Why inheritance isn’t optimal for value types
- How to measure and evaluate the performance of an app’s use of different data types
Whether you’re a novice or seasoned programmer, you’ll find The C# Type System indispensable in your efforts to turngood code into great.
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