THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO CYBER ATTACKS – Protecting Yourself From Getting Hacked
- Length: 88 pages
- Edition: 1
- Language: English
- Publication Date: 2020-11-15
- ISBN-10: B08NJ75Q2F
Learn how someone gets hacked, and what steps you can take to prevent. Don’t be an unsuspecting victim.
- What to do if you’ve been hacked. I’ll share steps you can take to find out if your system has been compromised.
- Do you know if the apps you’re downloading are safe? I’ll cover what you need to know before you download another app
- Tips and tricks on how to observe unsuspecting installs on your computer, and how you can stop them right away
- Security practices that you can take to protect all your electronic devices.
- What to do if your friends receive a fake social media message that you didn’t send. Easy steps that you can take to remedy this problem
- Common security mistakes people make with public Wi-Fi. The good, the bad, and the ugly. What you need to know to stay safe while connected to a public Wi-Fi.
- How your confidential data can be leaked, and what to look out for so it doesn’t happen
- A breakdown of the different types of attacks (Adware, Spyware, Malware, etc.) and many other types of attacks, and what they look like
- What does two-factor authentication mean to you, and how it can protect you
- The benefits of using a (VPN) Virtual Private Network, and what it means to your privacy
- Learn how to protect your small business from a Ransomware attack that could put you out of business.
- Employees in your company could be compromising your systems and not even know they are doing anything wrong
- How to recognize what Phishing emails look like, and how to avoid them.
- Clear signs that identify suspicious activity on your social media accounts, and what you can do to stop those attacks for good.
- How hackers convince unsuspecting people to give them information they need to hack their system. What you can do to avoid these common traps.
- Anti-Virus detection software, and how to set it up the right way for maximum protection.
- How your mobile phone can get hacked, and simple mistakes you might be making that you may not be aware of, and which settings you need to change to keep your phone protected.
- Why most passwords get hacked, and valuable tips on how to make your password impenetrable.
- Learn how safe cloud security is, and steps you can take to keep your personal information safe no matter where it is stored.
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