Creating HTML5 Animations with Flash and Wallaby

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Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, Third Edition

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Mobile Communication Systems and Security

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  • Publication Date: 2009-04-06

BackTrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner’s Guide

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  • Publication Date: 2011-09-09

Honeypots: A New Paradigm to Information Security

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CCNA Security Course Booklet, Version 1.0

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Privacy and Big Data

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  • Publication Date: 2011-09-29

Create Dynamic Charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007

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  • Publication Date: 2008-12-10

Microsoft SharePoint 2010: Deploying Cloud-Based Solutions

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Joomla! 1.5 Cookbook

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Systems Analysis and Design (8th Edition)

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  • Publication Date: 2010-01-13