Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 9th Edition

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  • Publication Date: 2008-11-03

GPU Pro 2

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  • Publication Date: 2011-02-14

GPU PRO 3: Advanced Rendering Techniques

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Designing for Windows 8

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  • Publication Date: 2013-02-27

Instant Galleria How-to

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Instant Citrix Security How-to

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Grome Terrain Modeling with Ogre3D, UDK, and Unity3D

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Instant Hyper-V Server Virtualization Starter

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Windows 8 App Projects – XAML and C# Edition

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Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple’s Success

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PhoneGap 2 Mobile Application Development Hotshot

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Hadoop Real World Solutions Cookbook

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  • Publication Date: 2013-02-11