Programming with Mathematica: An Introduction, 4th Edition

  • Length: 728 pages
  • Publication Date: 2013-02-25

Language and Computers

  • Length: 250 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-10-22

Concept of Database Management Systems, 2nd Edition

  • Length: 319 pages
  • Publication Date: 2010

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data

  • Length: 302 pages
  • Publication Date: 2013-01-07

Practical Load Balancing: Ride the Performance Tiger

  • Length: 272 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-04-04

High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2011

  • Length: 192 pages
  • Publication Date: 2011-12-02

Beginning Groovy, Grails and Griffon

  • Length: 364 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-12-21

Principles of Supply Chain Management, 3rd edition

  • Length: 594 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012

If You Can’t Fail, It Doesn’t Count

  • Length: 214 pages
  • Publication Date: 2013-02-24

Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control

  • Length: 656 pages
  • Publication Date: 2011-02-11

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Microsoft Windows 8

  • Length: 368 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-10-30

Akka Concurrency

  • Length: 481 pages
  • Publication Date: 2013-02-15