Producing Games: From Business and Budgets to Creativity and Design

  • Length: 304 pages
  • Publication Date: 2009-09-10

Game Programming Gems 6

  • Length: 700 pages
  • Publication Date: 2006-03-07

3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development

  • Length: 429 pages
  • Publication Date: 2002-06-21

3D Game Textures: Create Professional Game Art Using Photoshop

  • Length: 368 pages
  • Publication Date: 2006-03-07

2D Game Building for Teens

  • Length: 320 pages
  • Publication Date: 2009-01-29

SilverStripe: The Complete Guide to CMS Development

  • Length: 456 pages
  • Publication Date: 2009-10-12

Moodle 1.9 English Teacher’s Cookbook

  • Length: 304 pages
  • Publication Date: 2010-07-05

Moodle 2.0 First Look

  • Length: 272 pages
  • Publication Date: 2010-09-24