Ai for Computer Architecture: Principles, Practice, and Prospects
- Length: 142 pages
- Publication Date: 2020-11-06
High Performance Parallel Runtimes: Design and Implementation
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The Construction Technology Handbook: Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence and Beyond
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- Publication Date: 2021-01-07
Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface, 2nd Edition
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Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface, 6th Edition
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Deep Learning Systems: Algorithms, Compilers, and Processors for Large-Scale Production
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- Publication Date: 2020-10-26
Microservices: Quick Book: A practical guide with examples using Spring Boot, Cloud Config, Cloud Bus, Cloud Security, Eureka, Hystrix, Axon with CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Length: 200 pages
- Publication Date: 2019-08-18
kubectl: Command-Line Kubernetes in a Nutshell: Command-Line Kubernetes in a Nutshell
- Length: 136 pages
- Publication Date: 2020-11-20
Cloud Strategy: A Decision-based Approach to Successful Cloud Migration
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Tools and Technologies for the Development of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Length: 368 pages
- Publication Date: 2020-02-07