Modern Condensed Matter Physics

  • Length: 714 pages
  • Publication Date: 2019-04-25

Principles of Electromagnetic Waves and Materials, 2nd Edition

  • Length: 670 pages
  • Publication Date: 2017-12-07

Spintronics: Theory, Modelling, Devices

  • Length: 298 pages
  • Publication Date: 2019-05-06

Electron Magnetic Resonance Principles

  • Length: 464 pages
  • Publication Date: 2019-08-05

Optical Effects in Solids

  • Length: 410 pages
  • Publication Date: 2019-06-20

Maxwell’s Equations

  • Length: 446 pages
  • Publication Date: 2019-07-08

A-Level Physics – Year 2 Student Guide for Capacitors

  • Length: 145 pages
  • Publication Date: 2018-02-06

Advanced Computational Electromagnetic Methods and Applications

  • Length: 600 pages
  • Publication Date: 2015-03-31

Physics Project Lab

  • Length: 320 pages
  • Publication Date: 2015-02-04

Electronics with Discrete Components

  • Length: 352 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-04-10

Polarons and Bipolarons: An Introduction

  • Length: 478 pages
  • Publication Date: 2018-09-20