How Computers Make Books: From Graphics Rendering, Search Algorithms, and Functional Programming to Indexing and Typesetting
- Length: 176 pages
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Simple Object Oriented Design: Create Clean, Maintainable Applications
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Practical Python Backend Programming: Build Flask and FastAPI applications, asynchronous programming, containerization and deploy apps on cloud
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Ultimate Microservices with Go: Combine the Power of Microservices with Go to Build Highly Scalable, Maintainable, and Efficient Systems
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C++ Cookbook: How to write great code with the latest C++ releases
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Software Architectures, 2nd Edition: Topics Usually Missed in Textbooks
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Terraform for Developers: Essentials of Infrastructure Automation and Provisioning
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Basics of Java and Advance Java Project: Attend 10 Interview Get 5 Offer Letter from a Software Company
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- Publication Date: 2024-05-02