A Modern Theory of Random Variation

  • Length: 544 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-10-23

Statistics for Aquaculture

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  • Publication Date: 2009-03-04

Excel 2010 for Physical Sciences Statistics

  • Length: 170 pages
  • Publication Date: 2013-07-28

The Theory of Probability: Explorations and Applications

  • Length: 828 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-12-17

Statistics with STATA: Version 12, 8th Edition

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  • Publication Date: 2012-04-15

Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by Example Using R

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  • Publication Date: 2010-11-15

Statistical Data Analysis: A Practical Guide

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  • Publication Date: 2011-06-28

Data Mining and Business Analytics with R

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  • Publication Date: 2013-05-28

Digital Dice

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  • Publication Date: 2013-03-24

Statistical Inference: A Short Course

  • Length: 400 pages
  • Publication Date: 2012-07-03